Harassment is verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct related to an individual's gender, age, race, color, sexual orientation (known or perceived), gender identity expression (known or perceived), national origin, religion, disability, socioeconomic status and/or political belief.
What are some examples?
Threatening or harassing, intimidating or physically assaulting another student.
Writing graffiti containing offensive language which is derogatory to others.
Making derogatory jokes or name-calling or slurs directed at others.
Negative stereotypes or hostile acts which are derogatory to others.
Written or graphic material containing comments or stereotypes which are either posted, circulated or are written or printed on clothing which are derogatory to others.
Sexual Harassment is also covered under this School District Policy. Sexual harassment is ANY unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature and includes:
- unwelcome sexual advances;
- requests for sexual favors;
- and other verbal, nonverbal, written, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature
What should you do when you or someone you know is being harrassed?
Reporting Incidents of Harassment:
Students or parents/guardians of students who have been harassed or witness harassment should immediately report such incidents to the school principal or designee, or to any other member of the school staff, including teachers, guidance counselors, coaches and administrators.
You can also report any incidents of harassment online with the School District; or by phone at 215-400-SAFE.
What will happen when an incident of harrassment is reported?
There will be a quick and thorough investigation of all reports. If the allegations are found true, the Principal or designee will do the following:
Inform the student who harasses of the results of the investigation;
Review the definition of harassment and the District's policy on harassment;
Punish the behavior relative to the number of offenses and the severity of the behavior; and
Notify the parents of the student(s) who harasses, including the actions of the student and the consequences.
What happens to students who harrass?
Consequences for Violations:
Students who violate the unlawful harassment policy will be disciplined according to the Code of Student Conduct.
If the first offense is notably severe, this could result in a long-term suspension (4-10 days); a referral for placement in an alternative education program; or expulsion.